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Rihanna Photo Leak Being Investigated By LAPD Posted: 20 Feb 2009 06:01 AM PST Los Angeles police consider possible leak involving photo of singer posted by TMZ 'serious misconduct.'
The Los Angeles Police Department has launched an internal investigation and filed a personnel complaint after a photo leaked late Thursday of what appears to be a bruised Rihanna following the alleged incident with Chris Brown on Grammy weekend. "The unauthorized release of a domestic-violence photograph immediately generated an internal investigation," an LAPD spokesman said in statement about the photo, which appeared on TMZ. "The Los Angeles Police Department Media Relations Section began receiving numerous inquiries about the release of a photograph associated with a domestic violence incident that occurred on February 8, 2009, involving entertainer Chris Brown." Although it is never confirmed that the woman in the photo is Rihanna, the statement continues, "The photograph appeared on an entertainment website. The photograph has the appearance of one taken during an official Domestic Violence investigation." According to CNN, the chief investigator in the case said that they have had tried to guard against leaks. Detective Deshon Andrews told CNN that he has been keeping the case file guarded and no copies had been made of the original photos and documents. "The Los Angeles Police Department takes seriously its duty to maintain the confidentiality of victims of domestic violence," the LAPD asserted in the statement. "A violation of this type is considered serious misconduct, with penalties up to and including termination." Earlier Thursday, People magazine reported that a Rihanna relative said that Brown "flew so far under everyone's radar that we just didn't think he was that [abusive] type." The relative added that the news came as a surprise because "he was always looking after her needs, making sure she was happy. "I don't want her to go back to him," the family member said. "I don't think anyone does." Go here for domestic violence resources, or check out Think MTV for a video handbook on spotting the warning signs of abuse. Related Videos Related Photos Related Artists |
Fans React To Leaked Rihanna Photo Posted: 20 Feb 2009 06:24 AM PST Many wish singer's privacy hadn't been violated after alleged incident with Chris Brown.
Immediately after a photo that appears to be of a bruised Rihanna leaked to the Web on Thursday, fans began commenting on this latest development surrounding the incident that took place between Rihanna and Chris Brown on Grammy weekend. An LAPD statement has since been released saying that the photo "has the appearance of one taken during an official Domestic Violence investigation," all but confirming that it is a picture of Rihanna. But some fans questioned the authenticity of the photo, claiming that it looks Photoshopped. "The female on the picture isn't Rihanna!!!" Spmuscle wrote. "It a fraud." But Realitylover countered, "Photoshopped my a**! That is just terrible." Some fans said they felt saddened by the picture and surprised by the extent of her injuries. "I can't believe what he did," Jeeze488 wrote. The sentiment was echoed by another fan. "OMG!!!" KFCMuffin said. "I saw those pics and I wanted to cry. ... Chris Brown left her in pretty bad shape." Despite the fact that the woman in the photo looks like she'd been severely beaten, there was quite a lot of talk between fans about who was to blame for the alleged incident. Still, many commenters said they just want privacy for Rihanna right now. "Let Rihanna be," Ape2306 wrote. "This is a private time, at least it should be." "Posting pictures is tacky," Some of You said. "I feel so bad for her, really." "Why post a pic like that online? If it were one of you guys' sister or mother, would you want a picture like that to be made public?" Nesh asked. "Rihanna deserves privacy!!! Whoever leaked that pic, if it's from the police department, they deserve to be FIRED ASAP!! I am very disappointed!" Go here for domestic violence resources, or check out Think MTV for a video handbook on spotting the warning signs of abuse. Related Videos Related Photos Related Artists |
My Chemical Romance On Being A 'Comic Book Band' Posted: 20 Feb 2009 04:50 AM PST 'These days, everyone's kind of admitting to being a comic nerd,' frontman Gerard Way says.
Last week, when MTV News sat down to talk with My Chemical Romance, we figured we'd get a bit of information about their Dylan cover in the upcoming "Watchmen" film and perhaps a few slivers of their still-being-written new album, and we'd call it a day. Turns out, we couldn't have been more wrong. My Chem had so much to say that we were able to break the interview down into three pieces. In part one, the guys talked about putting The Black Parade to bed and getting back to basics on their new album. In part two, they got in-depth about their love of "Watchmen" and their decision to cover Bob Dylan. Now, in part three, they're talking about both.
Which is interesting, because whether they're aware of it or not, My Chemical Romance are now seen by many as not just as a rock band, but as a comic book rock band (having two comic-producing brothers in the band and a song in the biggest comic book film of all time tends to have that effect). So, will they be addressing that perception on their new album? Probably not. "I'm glad you asked about that because these days, everyone's kind of admitting to being a comic nerd or something. Like 'nerdy' is kind of becoming 'cool' for some weird reason, so people will come out of the woodwork to admit that kind of thing," frontman Gerard Way said. "But a lot of people like comics, you know. But I don't think anybody sees us as, like, 'Oh that's a comic book band' ... even if we write or draw them. I never really worried too much about that." But without comics, where will Way find his lyrical inspiration? He's already said he wants to drop the whole "conceptual" thing for MCR's next album, so where is he finding material these days? As it turns out, from his everyday life — as an artist, a husband and a father-to-be (Way and his wife, Mindless Self Indulgence bassist Lyn-Z, are expecting their first child early this summer). "I think any life experience [is inspiration]. And now that we've had seven or eight months off, and we've had a chance to do some living, I think any kind of experience ... like going to be a dad, for example," he explained, "that's going to be in my head. And I think there's no way that stuff won't affect what you're doing. I think if it doesn't, it's kind of lame." So are fans prepared for a more, mature My Chemical Romance? Well, don't worry, because whatever Way's going to be singing about, the music is still going to be young, snotty and punky. And — somewhat strangely, given this is MCR we're talking about — fun. "We want it to be a snapshot, we want it to be visceral. And it's not angry at all, which is fun too," Way said. "It just has this youthful energy to it, and the experience has this youthful energy to it too. And I want to capture that, and be done. You know, 'Let's play.' " Related Videos Related Artists |
'American Idol' Finalists Danny Gokey, Alexis Grace, Michael Sarver Speak Posted: 19 Feb 2009 03:09 AM PST The top-12 trio talk about the wild-card system, how they made it to the finals and more.
We caught up with the first three singers in the "American Idol" top 12 on Thursday (February 19) to talk about their plans to dominate season eight. While the 28-year-old widower's life story put him in the spotlight, his talent was front and center Tuesday night when he impressed the judges (and voters) with Mariah Carey's "Hero." Danny spoke with us about his friend Jamar Rogers' surprising dismissal and how early exposure helped him advance. Q: How do you feel about all the early attention you've gotten? A: I'm honored that people support me. I think very highly of everyone that supports me. It's just an honor to see that they think this way of me and that they want to see me succeed — people that I've never met. I just hope I can keep them all the way through the competition. Q: You seemed to get a lot of attention on the show early on, when others in the top 36 were barely featured. Do you think that extra attention helped you advance? A: I do feel like I was highlighted. There's no getting around that. I didn't do anything to get that. I can say this: I'm grateful that they would do that. I have no control over it. I know everyone's not gonna like me, but it's a bummer when people are real mad about it, and I hope people can see past that. I genuinely just love to sing, and that's what I want to do. Q: Your friend Jamar Rogers is one of the most-talked-about castoffs from Hollywood Week. Were you as surprised as the fans that he wasn't put through to the top 36? A: I was mad. ... I expected him to go through. ... I even said, "I'll see you in the top 36," after I made it through and we were talking. I was just so confident that he showed his ability and what it takes to get there. Disappointment was completely in my mind and heart. But he's received such recognition, I know it's not the end of the road for him. He's got a bright future, and it doesn't stop here. It only gets better from here. Q: Are you worried that the focus on your wife's death will take attention away from your music? A: People coming in from the outside view probably think it's too much, but it's only been seven months since she's passed. This is who I am. It's not that I throw it in people's faces, but I get asked about it all the time. ... It weighs on my mind a lot, though, because, honestly, this is a sob story I don't want. I don't want this story. But it is shaping my life, and it's causing hope for a lot of people and it's causing hope for my life. I didn't want to live anymore when she passed. But now, I have my mission set in stone of ... who I am. There's a fun side to me that's gonna come out. I apologize to everybody if they feel like it's shoved down their face, but it's so fresh in my mind. Q: Was it hard to stay composed during the results show with Tatiana del Toro being a ball of emotions right next to you? A: With Tatiana, you expect the unexpected. But she really is a great person. She wants it so bad. You see the desire and the passion in her. At times, that can maybe hurt her image on TV. I maybe looked calm and cool, but I wasn't inside. ... I really tried to keep the look. I tried to, but I just hope it doesn't come off the wrong way to the American public — or the voters, I should say. I'm not the president. [Laughs.] I was preparing myself to go home. Anything could happen. Tatiana showed up that night. I think she had the surprise element. I said, "No matter what, I got my message across." I wanted to go out gracefully. The pint-size 21-year-old mom wowed the judges with her powerful take on Aretha Franklin's "I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You," even earning comparisons to the original Idol, Kelly Clarkson. We talked with Alexis about tackling the Queen of Soul right out of the gate and what mentors she's dying to work with. Q: A lot of the other performers looked nervous when they were singing Tuesday night, but you seemed pretty put together. A: I was nervous. I don't know what was going on with the other contestants that night. I don't know what they were thinking in their minds while they were singing, but I can tell you what I was thinking. I was just thinking, "You know what? I'm gonna make the best of this night." ... I did it for my family. Q: Does your daughter understand what you're doing on "Idol"? A: I would hope that she'd understand. That would be really cool if she did. But I know she watches the show with all my family, and when I come on the TV, she points at it and screams for me: "Mommy!" She might figure something out soon. Q: What went through your head when you found out you made it? A: "This is my dream, and it's happening" — that's what went through my head when I heard I made it through. To tell you the truth, I wasn't convinced [I would advance]. Just because the judges give good critiques doesn't necessarily mean America agrees with them. I just went in there not expecting anything. Q: What did you think of the judges' Kelly Clarkson comparisons? A: It's more than flattering. It really just shook my world when they said that — in a good way. What it does, it just pushes me to do better each time now. Now I've really gotta step up my game and prove to them that they're right. Q: Were you worried about tackling an Aretha song? A: I knew that I can sing in that range. That's my range. I'm pretty comfortable with that. I just feel connected to her music somehow. I feel like that's just my style, so I went with it. Q: How did you start singing the blues? A: From my hometown, Memphis. You hear blues all the time. And my dad is a big influence, and my mom too. They listened to soul, and my dad plays it, so when you grow up listening to it all the time, it's what you end up singing like. Q: What mentors would you like to work with? A: Aretha Franklin, of course. Fleetwood Mac, I would love. And Bruce Springsteen. Q: How did you come out of your shell, like the judges had asked you to? A: Talking with some of the "Idol" mentors we work with has helped me. They're encouraging, and I listen to what they have to say. And also my daughter. Just thinking about her and our future, it helps me be more encouraged. Also, I kinda think I might have a little alter ego onstage maybe. It's a combination of a lot of things. Q: Do you think it would be better to be in the last batch of 12 than in the first so you'd be fresh in voters' minds? A: They could have an advantage, but they could also really know that there's a lot of pressure to get through to the top three. They just need to go out there and have a good time. The 27-year-old father of two won voters over with his hardworking persona and his everyman take on Gavin DeGraw's "I Don't Wanna Be." We talked to Michael about how Simon helped him crack the top 12 and why he's inspired by Danny Gokey. Q: Do you think Simon's plea for the viewers to give you a second chance because you're such a good guy helped you advance? A: I can't deny that that could have had something to do with it. Simon making a plea on my behalf, I don't take that lightly. ... I appreciate compliments on my voice and my singing, but complimenting on the person I am really means a lot to me. I have no doubt it had an impact, and I appreciate it. Q: What would you say is the basis of your appeal? A: I can acknowledge that the hardworking American is part of the appeal. I believe that real-life people can relate to me, especially in the economy. It's very difficult for a lot of people. I see it as a chance to see someone rise from the ashes. It's not that my life is bad, but things are tough, and to see someone excel and succeed, I think people relate to that, and it is special in their hearts. Q: People have obviously been touched by your story. As a viewer, were there any other stories that impacted you? A: Another story on the show that really hits me is Danny Gokey, because my wife is my absolute best friend. If she did pass away, I don't understand how I could wake up the next day. To not only view him on the show but to be around him and to see the incredible person that he is, I have mad, mad respect for Danny Gokey. Q: Why was this the year you decided to audition for "Idol"? A: I've been watching "Idol" over the years and never felt the unction to go for it. I believe it had a lot to do with knowing somewhere inside me that I had a lot of growing up to do. This year, my sister-in-law voiced her desire to try out, and she said something to me, and it really just hit me all of a sudden: "Let's do that!" And we did, and I made it, and it for some reason, it was a moment in the right time that just fit. I moved on it knowing it was the right time for me, and obviously it's working out. Q: What do you think of the wild-card system this year? A: The wild-card element for "American Idol" is great, because it means that last night is not the end for a lot of people. It means not only a second chance, but it kind of carries them through, because I can't imagine the disappointment I would have felt last night had I not made it through. And it gives you that extra hope. I love the wild-card round, because Clay Aiken was a wild card, and good things come out of wild things. [Laughs.] Q: Did anything surprise you about the "Idol" experience? A: How close you get to ... the other contestants. You find yourself watching the show saying, "Oh, come on now. It's a competition. You can't be that excited for them." But you really do grow as friends and you really develop a bond. ... I really have been completely and pleasantly surprised by the relationships I have experienced. Q: Have you gotten any feedback from your kids about the show? A: My 2-year-old son's not really aware of what's going on. You wouldn't think that my 3-year-old daughter is, but apparently so. She's very smart and ahead of her age. She says she wants to go on "American Idol," so maybe we'll have another one in the future. [Laughs.] Get your "Idol" fix on MTV News' "American Idol" page, where you'll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. Related Photos |
Lil Wayne Announces New Tour Dates, Pushes Back <i>Rebirth</i> Posted: 18 Feb 2009 11:15 PM PST Weezy's rock LP is now slated for May 19.
Lil Wayne has pushed back the release date of his rock-and-roll LP Rebirth from April 7 to May 19. The video for the album's first single, "Prom Queen," however, has been shot and should be released soon. After the New Orleans Fireman racked up at the Grammy Awards two weeks ago, winning four trophies, including Rap Album of the Year, he has some unfinished business onstage, so he's taking his I Am Music tour back on the road. Most of the supporting cast from the first trek — T-Pain, Keri Hilson, Gym Class Heroes and Gorrilla Zoe — are coming back too. Keyshia Cole won't be returning. In addition to Rebirth, Wayne is still working on Tha Carter IV, the Hot Boys reunion LP and an album featuring all the artists on his Young Money label, including Mack Maine, Jae Millz, Kid Kid and Nicki Minaj. Wayne and friends start touring again March 17 in Providence, Rhode Island, and finally end on March 31 in Salt Lake City. I Am Music's new set of tour dates, according to Lil Wayne's camp: · 3/17 - Providence @ Dunkin Donuts Center |
Exclusive: Diddy Describes High-Concept New Album Posted: 19 Feb 2009 06:17 AM PST Last Train to Paris, due September 22, will be a love story with accompanying movie.
If you thought Diddy's smash LP Press Play was high on concept, get ready for his next project. The New York media giant is taking it to that proverbial creative place recognized around the world as "there." And when he takes it there, he will not be alone. Diddy is part of a team on the album he's titled Last Train to Paris, scheduled for a September 22 release. "It's a profound love story, man," Sean Combs told MTV News Wednesday night via phone from L.A. "It's about this tumultuous love roller-coaster relationship that occurs. It's everything from love, pain, sex, God, celebration. It's a lot of things rolled into one. It's a conceptual album. "One of the things I wanna give you that's not out there yet is that it's not me as a solo artist," Diddy added. "It's a group I put together; myself and two girls. Two young ladies, you may know them or you may not. It's almost like some back-in-the-day Loose Ends-type sh--. We're going to be telling the story of Last Train to Paris." The story of the album starts when Diddy's character and his female bandmates go on tour overseas, where he meets the woman of his dreams. "I'm infatuated with her, really blown away," Diddy said. "We wind up spending the night together. I never get her name. When I wake up, she's gone. A couple of months go by, and I bump into her again on tour overseas. We get together, and she's attached to my hip. For three months! She's on my hip for three months. I tell her to come to New York, Miami, all the places where I get it poppin', where I really do sh--. You know how men pop sh--, like men do sometimes when they're trying to make a woman fall in love." As the story unfolds, Diddy and his love have a misunderstanding and separate. "She just breaks out on a n---a," Combs revealed. "But an absence makes the heart grow fonder. She's singing to me; I'm performing to her. We're in two different parts of the world. She's remembering all the good times, and I'm thinking about if I had another chance, I wouldn't f--- it up. So, I go on tour and I'm in London. I get a tip that she's in Paris, and it's 9:45 p.m. or something. It's one of the foggiest days in London, so I can't take my plane. I can't drive, the road is shut down. The only way I can get there is the last train to Paris, and it leaves in 20 minutes and I'm 15 minutes away. It's that whole intensity of what happens on the train ride — and will she be there when I get there — is something else you'll hear." The presentation of Last Train to Paris won't just be for your listening pleasure. Puff Daddy is also going in front of the cameras to include a short film with the CD. "A movie is going to be shot to it too," Diddy said. "It's definitely going to be an album you can seamlessly see. Not after the fact. When you get the album on that day, September 22, you will be able to see the whole album on your computer. I go into production of the movie in May. "The movie is more of a visual presentation. It's not like I'm playing Prince and sh--," he added, dismissing the notion that "Last Train" will be his "Purple Rain." "You know how, when you on your computer and you're listening to an album, you have your screen saver on — instead of screen save, you'll be able to see the album in motion. And the presentation of the album will be different from the videos. I'm out here in L.A. right now, meeting with directors. I'm looking for somebody who can do it within the budget and do it guerrilla style." Diddy laughed when he said that blockbuster guru Steven Spielberg will not be on his list. "Cross him off," the mogul joked. "I'm looking for the hot film student." With a while until the project has to be in stores, Diddy hasn't confirmed his guest list of people that will get on the mic for him, but production-wise, he has a pretty prestigious core on his side. The-Dream, Tricky Stewart, Rodney Jerkins, the Hitmen, T-Pain, Mario Winans and the Neptunes have all contributed lyrics and beats. Pharrell Williams also talked to MTV News about the project on Wednesday. "I thought it was sick," he said of Diddy's concept. "I think he's a super-smart guy who knows where things are going. He told me, 'Yo, just make me sick beats. I want them to dance; I want them to have a good time.' ... I was like, 'Wow.' For me, it was like making music for a movie." "The album is going to be hard," he said of the sonic feel. "It ain't going to be no European dance/trance music. The clubs I'm in, they don't play that. I'm from a club [called] DC10 in Ibiza. That's what kind of gave me inspiration for this album and that sh-- is funky and soulful and hard. A lot of cats have got on dance music and fused sh-- together recently. I think they have a done a great job. I'm showing a different club. The club I'm bringing to the mainstream is at the after-hours club, the underground club." Diddy said he's currently in the process of trademarking the name of the group that he will be in for the album, as well as figuring out how he is going title the LP. It may be "Diddy as ..." or just Diddy. He also said he'll have a new series coming up on MTV called "Making His Band," which will be about finding the musicians he wants to tour with. Related Artists |
Posted: 19 Feb 2009 08:27 AM PST TMZ claims photo was taken after alleged assault incident involving Chris Brown. posted a photograph late Thursday (February 19) that it claims is of Rihanna shortly after her alleged February 8 altercation with Chris Brown. The woman in the photograph is shown with her eyes closed, and visible contusions on her forehead, cheeks and mouth. The Web site did not comment on how it obtained the photo or who took it, but the picture appears to be legit; the singer's well-known Roman-numeral shoulder tattoos (which reportedly mark the birthday of the singer's friend/ assistant Melissa Forde) are clearly visible. The photo seems to corroborate a story the site posted last week, which quoted an unnamed Los Angeles Police Department source as saying Rihanna suffered contusions on both sides of her face, with serious swelling and bruising, and a split lip and bloody nose. Police have not confirmed whether the photo is authentic. "The LAPD does not and will not release any victim's photos. It's that simple. We have not," Los Angeles Police Department spokesman Jason Lee told New York's Daily News. Neither Rihanna nor Chris Brown have made a public appearance since Brown turned himself in to the LAPD on and was charged with making criminal threats. Police officers had originally responded to a 911 call in the early hours of Sunday, February 8, after Brown and an unidentified woman had an altercation inside a vehicle in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. The following day, several news outlets identified the woman as Rihanna. A week after the incident, Brown released a statement, saying he was "sorry and saddened ... over what transpired" and was "seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones, and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person. "Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong," Brown's statement continued. "While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say." Go here for domestic violence resources, or check out Think MTV for a video handbook on spotting the warning signs of abuse. Related Videos Related Artists |
Aubrey O'Day Shows Off 'Fearless Flair' For Richie Rich Posted: 19 Feb 2009 05:04 AM PST The singer hits the runway for her designer pal at New York Fashion Week.
Most aspiring models would kill for the chance to walk in a major Fashion Week show like the one Richie Rich put on Wednesday night at the Waldorf-Astoria. But if you happen to be famous and his BFF, like Aubrey O'Day is, then all you have to do is call him up.
"Well, I think you're such an inspiration, your spirit, you're gorgeous, you're blonde and you know I love you," Richie told O'Day, our special fashion week correspondent. The former Danity Kane member walked the runway several times for Richie when he designed for Heatherette, and she's also appeared in the ad campaign for Richie's solo line. For the fall 2009 collection, Richie explained that he wanted his solo line to be more wearable than Heatherette. "I always have my finger on the pulse," he told MTV News. "I wanted to kick up my antics a little bit more. [Have] fun and forget your troubles. "The whole line is based on Marilyn Monroe," Richie, who also designed a line of kicks for Vans, further explained. "It's like you when you were in school, and you were probably dreaming of the life you have right now, and it came true and it's the feeling that anything is possible." When the pair met earlier in the week to determine what O'Day should don on the runway, they couldn't decide if she should wear the bright-pink top with a garter belt or the celebutante dress. (At the last minute, it was decided that O'Day would sport the former despite what the fans voted on in our poll.) "I want skin, but I want fun," this month's Playboy cover girl told Richie. "I want to be free." At the show, skin was definitely in for O'Day, who rocked her barely there outfit like the professional she is. "Everything is very last-minute," she shared about what it's like to get ready for a show. "And most of the stuff breaks, falls and snaps off at some point." Aside from getting to keep the clothes, the singer revealed another perk of being a "celebrity walker." "But, because I'm a celebrity walker, I'm not 7-foot-2 and 92 pounds, like all the rest of these beautiful women here," she said. "I'm a little chunkier, and because of that I get to wear my hair how I want to." O'Day had no regrets about the show when it was all said and done. She loved every minute of it, from what she wore to hanging out with her designer pal. "I had an amazing time," she said. "I love Richie Rich. I love what he's constantly doing with fashion. The clothes were fun and colorful and fantastic. They had a fearless flair." Related Videos Related Artists |
Rihanna's Family Opens Up About Chris Brown Arrest Posted: 18 Feb 2009 10:32 PM PST 'I don't want her to go back to him,' one relative tells
Rihanna's family is opening up about the relationship between Rihanna and Chris Brown after an alleged altercation before the Grammy Awards that left Rihanna injured and Brown arrested. One family member told that Brown "flew so far under everyone's radar that we just didn't think he was that [abusive] type." The relative added that the news comes as a surprise because "he was always looking after her needs making sure she was happy."
The relative agreed with Rihanna's dad, Ronald Fenty, who thinks his superstar daughter should "move on" from the relationship. "I don't want her to go back to him," the family member said. "I don't think anyone does." Earlier this week, Kimora Lee Simmons, who was showing her line Baby Phat during New York Fashion Week, spoke about the incident with The Associated Press, saying she saw the pair earlier in the night before news broke. "I saw them that night ... and I think it's a very unfortunate situation," she said. "And I wish them both all the best and I send them my love and I'm very personally attached to both of them. And sometimes I think young lovers go through things and I really don't know what happened, so I wish everybody the best." Ray J, who was at the fashion show supporting Simmons, said he and Brown are good friends and sends prayers out to the pair. "I've got a chance to hang out with them a couple of times, and, you know, they're cool people. Keep your head up," he told the AP. "You know things like this happen in life. And in life, sometimes these are the tests and obstacles that you got to overcome." Related Videos Related Artists |
Jonas Brothers Haven't Launched Their Own Record Label Posted: 19 Feb 2009 02:46 AM PST Jonas Group is actually a management company formed by the JoBros' dad, Kevin.
Despite what you may have read, the Jonas Brothers aren't looking to branch out. Sure, they've already conquered the tween market, won the coveted "first daughter" demographic and made their first foray into feature-length 3-D films. But — contrary to several sources in the blogosphere — they're not about to launch their own record label. Late Wednesday, several sites noticed the launch of, a Web site featuring little more than a (slightly altered) version of the Jonas Brothers' "JB" logo. Soon after, someone realized that the same logo appears on the back of Demi Lovato's debut album, Don't Forget. Couple that with several reports that the band had signed prep-rock act Honor Society, and suddenly, bloggy logic dictated that the Jonas Group was the Jonas Brothers' brand-new record label. But, as is frequently the case with bloggy logic, it wasn't exactly true. On Thursday (February 19), MTV News contacted a spokesperson for the Jonas Brothers, who let it be known that the Jonas Group isn't a label at all ... it's a management company formed by the brothers' father, Kevin, and longtime artist manager/ promoter Philip McIntyre. The spokesperson also added that the Jonas Group's clients include not just the JoBros themselves, but Lovato (like it says in the liner notes of Don't Forget, "Exclusive Management by: Philip McIntyre and Kevin Jonas for the Jonas Group") and Honor Society too. And while, yes, the Jonas Brothers have signed Honor Society, it's to a production deal, not a record contract. So, sorry Jonas fans. While there might be a movie and a TV show in the works, there's no JoBros-owned record label on the horizon anytime soon. Pop stars can't have everything, you know. Related Artists |
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