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Britney Spears' 'Womanizer' Director Joseph Khan Talks 'Toxic' Comparisons Posted: 17 Oct 2008 05:04 AM PDT Director praises singer's 'fierceness and determination' on the set.
Joseph Khan, the director of Britney Spears' steamy "Womanizer" video, is no stranger to working with the pop star. And having directed her in "Stronger" and "Toxic," he decided to make the clip for her new #1 single a nod to the latter. "I didn't see it as a direct sequel but a 2008 answer to ['Toxic']," he told MTV News. " 'Toxic' was a crystallization of her career at that time, and the tough part was that we knew there were going to be comparisons."
As in "Toxic," "Womanizer" shows Spears playing a handful of strong, hyper-stylized characters seeking revenge against a guy who has done them wrong. "There are elements and moments of 'Toxic' that I felt could be improved," he added. "This one is a bit more fashion-forward. The only big difference is that she's been through a lot, and the big curiosity for me was how much she can give me on set." And Khan said Britney was determined to prove to everyone that she still loves being a pop star. "When I see her on set, she's extremely professional, and it's a job," he said. "There's really literally no messing around. ... Whatever accolades she gets, she deserves." According to Khan, the video was a completely collaborative effort. She came to him with a clear idea and a strong-enough song that made directing a piece of cake. "Any director could come on," he said, "because with that fierceness and determination she has, they would look like they knew what they were doing. "I think that it's funny she didn't have to say much, and the song spoke volumes about the visual," he added. The video's male eye candy, Brandon Stoughton, got in on the collaboration as well. "They both took it very seriously. They're inventive. He would come up with ideas." Khan said he noticed one major change between his last project with Britney and this one: "It's a much more mature sound and much more mature lyrics, and she always has the greatest ideas," he said. "The initial kernel of the idea always came from her. She's hyper-aware of pop culture. "She's a mom now," Khan added, "and one of the concerns was that she wants to work hard, and she wants to see her kids. I had to know exactly what I wanted." After everything that Spears has been through in the last couple years, Khan said he wanted to make the best possible video for her. "I love working with her, and I do care about doing the best that I can for her. I don't want to be the guy that failed. I don't want to be the guy. I want to be a help, not a hindrance." Related Photos Related Artists |
How Local Teens Beat Sarah Palin In The Battle Of The Wasilla Skate Park Posted: 17 Oct 2008 05:00 AM PDT A member of the band Portugal. The Man recalls a flap with then-Mayor Palin that took place 10 years ago.
Maybe you've never heard of the wild indie-rock band Portugal. The Man. But chances are good you've heard of their hometown of Wasilla, Alaska. And when we found out that the band, which just released its third album, Censored Colors, was from the same town as Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, we figured it's a small enough burg that they'd have some good stories to tell. Last month, singer/guitarist John Baldwin Gourley — who grew up in a remote generator-powered log cabin with no telephone outside Wasilla — wrote a passionate essay on his feelings about his former mayor's ascension to the national stage, but it was bassist Zach Carothers' story about his battle with Palin over a skate park that really caught our attention. We asked him to recount his tale for us. The Saga Of Sarah Palin, A Bunch Of Alaskan Small-Town Teenagers, And The Wasilla Skate Park Growing up in Wasilla, Alaska, was not the most exciting time. Out of all the thousands of things there are to do in a land as beautiful as that, there is a lot of downtime. My family brought me up to love the outdoors. Almost every weekend, we were fishing, hiking, camping or snowboarding. I loved all of it. As boys become teenagers, we get bored. And, in a small town such as ours, it's incredibly easy to get caught up in bad habits. I was lucky enough to discover skateboarding. My parents bought me my first skateboard in Santa Cruz, California, while we were on a family vacation when I was 12. I returned home and talked most of my friends into getting skateboards as well. Honestly, my Think deck, Independent trucks and Alien Workshop wheels saved my life. Starting the summer before eighth grade, my friends and I would do nothing but ride into town and skate all day. As we got older and more skilled, we were quite limited on where we could practice our hobby. Businesses were obviously not too fond of anyone hurting themselves for hours a day on their stairs or handrails, and those who have been to Wasilla know there is a general lack of pavement. Being extremely jealous of the skate parks that we'd seen in movies and magazines, we decided to make some of our "California dreaming" a reality. We started small. During my sophomore year of high school, I talked a few friends into signing up for wood shop. The five of us earned our grades by building all sorts of ramps and rails that we carried across the school parking lot to the outdoor basketball courts that never really got used. We had the time of our lives, skating all day in a place where no one would bother us and we wouldn't bother anyone else. This didn't last long. Several times, we showed up after school to see most of our ramps ruined either by guys who didn't like us or by kids trying to jump four-wheelers and dirt bikes off our ramps. After fixing our little park a few times, we decided we needed a more permanent — and safer — solution to our boredom. Our parents brought up the idea of going to the city to ask about the chances of getting a real, concrete skate park built. The number of kids skating was growing like crazy, and with all the baseball diamonds, hockey rinks, and tennis courts around, it seemed like a reasonable request. Apparently, the City of Wasilla did not agree with us. Bummer. Sarah Palin, the mayor of our small town, informed us that a skate park simply would not fit in the budget. Oddly enough, a few years later, we heard rumors of a multimillion-dollar hockey rink that was going to fit in the budget. Now, I don't have anything against hockey, I played my whole life, but there were already several places to play hockey in Wasilla. Of course, us dumb kids wouldn't take "no" for an answer. A few of my friends and our parents attended city hall meetings every week. Eventually, our persistence paid off. Mayor Palin made what could be considered a "safe bet" when she suggested that if we could raise half the money, the city would match it and we would start construction. We were very happy and very determined. The "Wasilla Skate Park Committee" went to work immediately. Over the next few months, we held bake sales, car washes, raffles and six or seven benefit concerts. We convinced local businesses to donate goods, services or labor to help support us. We even put up one of those giant, lame thermometers in city hall and colored in every $5,000 we made. And, incredibly enough, we raised roughly $42,000. Not too bad for some punk kids in a small town in Alaska. I really don't think that Palin thought we could do it. She was certainly surprised when we filled in the red ball at the top of that stupid thermometer. And boy, did she have a surprise for us. After all of our hard work, she informed us that the project was going to have to be delayed ... indefinitely. That slippery little skate park had gone off and slipped right out of the city budget again. The Wasilla Skate Park Committee was not too pleased, and once again, we were back at city council meetings every week. Overall, the demeanor of the council was not a kind one. We felt looked down upon and generally not taken seriously. As we loved to skate, they probably thought of us as hoodlums. They may have thought we all did drugs, skipped school and defaced public property — and, you know, some of us did. But that is what I tried to explain to them. Wasilla's youth needed a place to go. We needed activities that would keep us from getting into trouble. Skateboarding is a sport. If kids were constantly playing football in front of the grocery store, the city would have had a problem with that as well. Eventually, and after jumping through numerous hoops, our persistence paid off. Over a year and a half later, the project was finally under way. Now, 10 years later, the Wasilla Skate Park I fought for as a 15-year-old boy is still functioning and as busy as ever — and celebrated its 10th anniversary on October 10. Despite the hoops that Mayor Palin and the city council made us jump through, I think the city agrees it was a very worthwhile investment and that it's done much more good than bad. I'm proud of myself and everyone who helped the Wasilla Skate Park come to be. All in all, I'm very grateful to have been part of the experience. |
Danity Kane's Dawn Richard Denies Solo Rumors -- Although She's Up For It With Diddy's Blessing Posted: 17 Oct 2008 05:04 AM PDT 'I'm not sidestepping,' she tells Essence magazine after the dismissal of Aubrey O'Day and D. Woods.
Ever since Tuesday's live finale of "Making the Band 4," during which Diddy dismissed Aubrey O'Day and D. Woods from Danity Kane, everyone has wondered about the fate of group. The group's three remaining members, Dawn Richard, Shannon Bex and Aundrea Fimbres, are first in line for answers. "We talked about it, and there's a fear we have of losing our fanbase. But at the end of the day, Diddy made his choice to let us decide, and we would like to continue with the name and the group," Richard told Essence magazine. "This is our lives, and you can't just say no to your dreams. I love working with the group. However, it's so hard to say what will happen. I would prefer that the original group members remain. It's hard enough for fans to follow as is." In the interview, Richard also addresses the rumors that with two of the members dropped from the group, Diddy has plans to have her go solo. "It's so interesting how the media chooses to interpret or report things. I have never said that I was pursuing a solo deal. I told someone that I have waited so long for my dream, and singing is my dream and has been for so long. I have done nothing on the side as far as solo projects. I'm not sidestepping." Instead of asking her about solo projects, "Everyone should ask Puff if that's what he has in line for me," she suggested. "If he does, then I'm honored and I will work hard, as I've always done. Who knows what can happen, because Puff changes his mind every five seconds. I'm going to work hard. I'm going to be the same person I was in the beginning." Although she said she's been supportive of everyone's approaches to the group, Richard couldn't help but notice that others — most notably O'Day — were acting as they pleased. "I have totally been supportive of the group — that's my priority," she said. "We had shows where Aubrey didn't show up, and we had her back and no one wrote about it or said anything. "Some of the other girls have pursued their interests, and I have sat back and supported them in their individual pursuits," she continued. "It truly hurts my feelings, because I work so hard, and I've been so honest from the beginning. Again, my priority has always been Danity Kane. I've never missed a show or meeting, so it's just interesting how people perceive things. I can only put it in God's hands." Related Videos Related Artists |
Jay-Z Dedicates '99 Problems' To John McCain, Sarah Palin At DJ AM Benefit Show Posted: 16 Oct 2008 12:56 AM PDT 'I'm gonna get in trouble for this!' Jay laughs; MC was also joined onstage by T.I.
Less than a month after DJ AM walked away from a fiery jet crash in Columbia, South Carolina, that killed four people and seriously wounded him and Travis Barker, AM reclaimed his place behind the decks Wednesday night, joining rapper Jay-Z for a special concert celebrating the reopening of the Hollywood Palladium. Hov and AM (born Adam Goldstein) proved to be a formidable duo, performing for nearly two hours, with the support of tuxedo-clad brass and rhythm sections. Aside from the visible scars and bald patches on his head (AM has undergone two skin-graft surgeries), AM's stage presence had not changed since the accident, as he rapped along with Jay-Z from behind the turntables. The Palladium show was the DJ's first live appearance since the crash. Jay-Z clearly appreciated AM's presence, calling on the audience to "make some noise for DJ AM" three separate times throughout the concert. Jay also gave a shout-out to Barker and the people who died in the crash, saying, "We're gonna party it up for them tonight." But not all the shout-outs were so celebratory. Without naming names, Jay dedicated "99 Problems" to John McCain and a certain "homegirl," whom he described as "the one who says 'You betcha.' " "I'm gonna get in trouble for this," Jay laughed onstage, "but f--- it, this is freedom of speech." Of course, what Jay-Z show would be complete without a special guest? Earlier in the evening, T.I. — whose Paper Trail is the top-selling album in the country, Jay reminded the crowd — joined Hov onstage for two out of the four verses of "Swagger Like Us." AM will also be appearing with Jay-Z Thursday night (October 16) in Houston and October 25 in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Associated Press reports that AM will resume his residency at Caesars Palace's Pure nightclub in Las Vegas next week. Related Photos Related Artists |
Posted: 17 Oct 2008 05:04 AM PDT Metalcore act recorded a song using lyrics from a rapper's discarded notebook — but it didn't make the cut on Dreamer.
For musicians, inspiration can strike at any moment and can come from a variety of sources. For Indianapolis metalcore act Haste the Day, past efforts have been inspired, in large part, by the band members' faith. They're Christian men and make no apologies for it — nor should they. The band's latest LP, Dreamer — which hit store shelves this week — was provoked by a number of themes ... and a notebook they'd found in their studio, which had been left behind by some nameless aspiring rapper. "We recorded the record in Indianapolis, in this studio, and all the other studios were always occupied by hip-hop acts and rappers," bassist Mike Murphy recalled. "There were a lot of rappers in Indianapolis, trying to get their thing on, and Brennan [Chaulk], our guitar player, found a notebook from months ago that had been left in our studio. It had all these really funny hip-hop lyrics, and our singer [Stephen Keech] took one of our songs, called 'An Adult Tree,' and sang the lyrics over the music. "The lyrics were about hanging at the club and having breakfast in bed — it was pretty sweet," Murphy continued. "We recorded the song with those lyrics, but it didn't make the final version of the album. Maybe we'll release it as a special edition or on a re-release. Maybe we'll just put it on our MySpace page. The lyrics, especially the breakfast-in-bed part, just sounded really, really funny over our music. No offense to the mystery lyricist — he was just trying to do his thing." The final version of Dreamer tackles a handful of themes, including the fall of man. "One lyric I really like is, 'I am my own disease/ I am the one you will call the destroyer.' The album talks about how we sometimes sabotage our own lives with the way we are, and we try to blame it on other things, but you have to realize a lot of these things are internal and they're personal and they're you — that emotional side of one's self. And some songs deal with redemption, through the fall of man." Haste the Day, who will be touring with Sky Eats Airplane, Emarosa and Inhale Exhale starting December 9 in Joplin, Missouri, consider Dreamer their most experimental offering to date — and believe it's also their darkest. "It's a super-honest record, and I'm obviously biased, but I haven't really felt this way about our other records," Murphy said. "I listen to it, and I get a vibe from the whole thing. It makes you feel something. It gives you all these weird emotions. I think it's our most creative, and it definitely blends our melodic side really well with our heavier side. That's something we've has always loved doing, because we love both types of music. The idea is to get better at it every time, and I think we've accomplished that. It's a very personal record that I think a lot of people can identify with." One track, called "Labyrinth," is a song that truly sticks out on the record. It's a real departure for Haste the Day — very slow, dark and rather creepy. "It's definitely the most different song we've written," the bassist commented. "It never gets heavy. We've done songs where it's quiet and creepy and, all of sudden, it's heavy. But this song's the same vibe the whole way through. It's just slow and really different. "This whole record is experimental for us," Murphy added. "It still has that hardcore vibe, but the melodic stuff is heavy too. We've done it a little bit in the past, but a lot of times, with hardcore bands, it's super-heavy and then really light and pretty, and there isn't a very good mesh between the two. These songs, when they're melodic, they're still very heavy. It's definitely a different record for us, and it's a very dynamic record. I don't get bored listening to it. But I have gotten bored listening to our other records. It's dark and epic and emotional and just feels like something." Earlier this month, Haste the Day ventured out to New York City to shoot a video for the album's first single, "Mad Man." Fittingly, the concept behind the clip involves a boy who thinks he's losing his marbles. "Think Van Gogh meets the movie 'What Dreams May Come,' with some dark twists and some sweet special effects," Murphy said of the clip, which was shot entirely in front of a green screen. "It's like a kid goes to an art museum with his parents, and all of a sudden the paintings start coming to life as he looks at them, and he thinks he's going crazy." The rest of the week's metal news: A four-CD/ single-DVD White Zombie box set called Let Sleeping Corpses Lie is being eyed for a November 25 release. The collection will feature — get this — 63 tracks, including "Future Shock," "God of Thunder," "Thunder Kiss," "Super Charger Heaven," "Grease Paint and Monkey Brains," "More Human Than Human" and "Ratfinks, Suicide Tanks and Cannibal Girls." ... On November 14, Mötley Crüe will be taking the stage at the newly renovated Hollywood Palladium. The show will be part of the venue's monthlong celebration of the Palladium's reopening, which kicked off Wednesday with a performance by Jay-Z. ... According to, Opeth's Mikael Åkerfeldt has contributed vocals to a song called "Stockholm" for OSI's upcoming, yet-untitled LP. OSI (an acronym for Office of Strategic Influence) feature Fates Warning guitarist Jim Matheos and former Dream Theater keyboardist Kevin Moore. The record should land in stores sometime next year. The disc will also feature Porcupine Tree drummer Gavin Harrison. ... A Life Once Lost, Arsonists Get All the Girls and the Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza will be hitting the road together next month. They'll kick off their tour November 4 in Manchester, Connecticut, and dates are booked through November 18 in Reading, Pennsylvania. ... At the Throne of Judgment have reunited, if only for a short while. The band called it quits late last year, after just a single release. "We are not going to be a full-time band (full-time meaning we drop everything just to tour the country)," the band said in a statement. "However, we will go back to being a part-time band. As you know, we are spread out all over the place because all of us attend different colleges in different cities and states. So this isn't going to be easy, and it's definitely going to take a little bit of time. What we plan on doing is writing a new album (which we have already started on). We have decided to do a concept album. We are in the beginning process of all this, but [we] can assure you there will be another ATTOJ album." ... The rumors were true: New Jersey's own E. Town Concrete will be reuniting for a single show next year. Set for February 21, the gig will go down inside the Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, New Jersey. Tickets will go on sale Friday (October 17) for $25. Related Artists |
Ne-Yo Kills Potential Beef With Yung Berg: 'That Ain't My Lane' Posted: 16 Oct 2008 03:10 AM PDT Berg posted a scathing video blog after Ne-Yo accused the rapper of copying Lil Wayne and T-Pain.
NEW YORK — Ne-Yo is still Ne-Yo. He's not Game, he's not 50 Cent — he doesn't want a battle record on his stat sheet. On Wednesday, the singer insisted there will be no back-and-forth with Yung Berg. In case you're just tuning in, Ne-Yo appeared on the L.A. morning radio show "Big Boy's Neighborhood" a few days ago, and Big asked him what person he would want to slap with three fingers. Ne-Yo said Yung Berg, for not being creative and for biting T-Pain and Lil Wayne by using the Auto-Tune effect on his song "The Business."
Berg responded to the comment soon after with a video blog, in which he questioned Ne-Yo's sexuality and even referred to the hitmaker as "Miss Independent." Berg also said Ne-Yo's girlfriend wanted him. On Wednesday night at Gotham Hall in Manhattan — before Ne-Yo's big Hennessy Artistry party and concert, which featured Fabolous and Leona Lewis performing for Usher, Aubrey O'Day, Ludacris, Brooke Shields and New York Knicks Stephon Marbury and Nate Robinson — the singer said he didn't see Berg's response but laughed off the situation. "Response for what?" he said about going back at Berg. "That ain't my lane, dude. I don't beef. I don't do that. That ain't my thing. I don't do dis records. I don't do beef. I don't do any of that blogs talking about cats. I don't do that. That ain't my thing. I'm a grown man. I got money to make. "I can't work with people that's doing this for the fame element or the money element," he continued. "I think that's what's destroying music. You got cats out here that are copycatting and doing stuff that's popular. You know, doing it because that's what's in right now, whatever the case may be — but basically what you're doing is killing music. You're killing the creative element of what this is, which was the basis of this whole thing, which is self-expression." Expect a lot more to be coming in for Ne-Yo — his next big writing assignment is the new Usher album, and Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson are still on tap. Related Videos Related Artists |
Danity Kane's Shannon Bex Says She Was 'Shell-Shocked' By Bandmates' Dismissals Posted: 16 Oct 2008 12:56 AM PDT 'This is real life to me,' singer says of Diddy giving Aubrey O'Day, D. Woods the boot.
On Tuesday night, Diddy asked Aubrey O'Day and D. Woods to leave Danity Kane, after he assembled the mega-selling girl group only a few years back on "Making the Band." It was a decision that was long rumored, but until the show's season finale, it hadn't been confirmed. Once a quintet, the group is now a trio. One of the remaining members, Shannon Bex, spoke to about the breakup. "This is real life to me — every facial expression, everything we're going through," she said. "We're just as flabbergasted and shell-shocked as everybody." Diddy didn't make it out to New York for the live finale; instead he appeared via satellite from Miami. Bex said it would have only elevated the emotions in the room if he had opted to be there in person. "Puff is a scary guy," she said. "I think we were a little relieved that he was via satellite. He's very intimidating. "I think we would've been more nervous," she added. "I'm still coming down from seeing the show tonight and seeing the fans' faces. It breaks my heart." Although O'Day was at the finale, noticeably absent was Woods, who had a previous engagement that prevented her from being there Tuesday. "She [was] in Europe, where she was asked to host a fashion show and be part of an awards show," Bex explained. "We didn't even know the live finale was going to happen. From what we understood, the meeting we were in [with Puff that you saw on TV] was it. "Then we got last-minute phone calls about this live-finale Q&A," she continued. "So, understandably, people had to move things around in their schedules, and some people could, and some people couldn't." Bex admitted that she has no idea what this means for everyone involved, including the band itself, but she remains hopeful that everything will work out and that eventually all the breaking up may lead to making up. "Right now, we're in the dark. We don't know," she said. "Maybe in a year from now, we'll be able to see if it was a breakdown or a breakthrough." Another remaining group member, Dawn Richard, talked to about the real reason O'Day was dismissed from the group. "Puff did not like [O'Day's] image ... where her image was going for the group," Richard said. "It wasn't a personal thing," she added, explaining that O'Day's recent topless appearance on the cover of Complex magazine wasn't sending the right message to the group's fans. Related Artists |
Eminem Reveals Title Of New LP: <i>Relapse</i> Posted: 16 Oct 2008 09:11 AM PDT MC reveals title at book-release party in New York.
Guess who's back? Some four years after the release of his last full studio album, 2004's Encore, Eminem confirmed Wednesday night that his new LP will be called Relapse. Em made the announcement during a launch party for his new autobiography, "The Way I Am," and previewed a track from the effort, titled "I'm Having a Relapse," which kicks off with the familiar lyric "Guess who's back?," before he launches into his trademark flow.
While rumors have suggested the disc would be dubbed King Mathers, among other titles, the reclusive Eminem put those rumors to rest Wednesday in an interview with Angea Yee from the rapper's Sirius Satellite channel, Shade 45. "There are a lot of fake album titles floating out there — a lot of bullsh-- titles," he told Yee. "The real title of my album that's coming out is called Relapse." Various media reports suggest the title may actually be R3LAPSE, but Eminem has not yet confirmed the spelling of the disc's name. Some reports suggest that the album will be released after 50 Cent's Before I Self Destruct hits stores December 9; Eminem, recently chosen by the readers of Vibe as the best rapper alive, will be making a guest appearance on that effort. While no release date for the album has been announced, 50 Cent and members of G-Unit have said it's coming soon. 50, who was on hand for the event, referred to the release of his forthcoming album, Before I Self Destruct, then Relapse; and then, presumably in 2009, Dr. Dre's oft-delayed Detox as a "three-headed monster," and said, "It's a story actually ...Before I Self Destruct, I'll Relapse, then Detox." G-Unit member Tony Yayo and DJ Whoo Kid told MTV News similar info recently, and provided some details on the albums. Early last month, 50 Cent hinted that Em's sixth was on the way. "You'll be seeing him shortly," the rapper told the BBC. "He's working. I spent the weekend at his house. Even though he tries to relax and stay home, it's impossible for him to stay in. A lot of material he wrote prior to this is being scrapped. He's got to feel like it's just happened, it's new and it's current. That's just how he is creatively as an artist." [This story was originally published at 11:16 am E.T. on 10.16.08] Related Videos Related Artists |
Madonna Apparently Disses Guy Ritchie At Boston Show Posted: 16 Oct 2008 09:08 AM PDT Singer had told magazine that song 'Miles Away' -- dedicated to the 'emotionally retarded' -- is about Ritchie.
Madonna was back at work Wednesday, just hours after her divorce from husband Guy Ritchie was confirmed. And while she didn't mention Ritchie by name during her show at Boston's TD Bank North Garden, she did make some comments that certainly could be about him. Madonna opened the show with "I'm Not Sorry," and told the crowd, "That's right, I'm not sorry," according to Daily Mail. Later in the show, before performing "Miles Away," she said, "This song is for the emotionally retarded. You may know a few people like that. God knows I do." Earlier this year, Madonna told Elle the song is about Ritchie. "So many people have to deal with long-distance relationships," she told the magazine. "It's not easy. You have to work hard to make it work." The song includes the lyrics "When I'm gone you'll realize/ That I'm the best thing that happened to you." The Daily Mail also reported that during Madonna's October 6 show in New York — with 29 dates left in the tour — Madonna made the comment "In exactly 29 moves, the queen will dump the king," which the paper speculated showed a plan, evidently since abandoned, on the singer's part to announce her divorce after the tour. The Daily Mail reported that relations between the two have become so strained that they're mostly speaking through personal assistants. "It has become so bad that they cannot be in a room together for more than a few minutes without having a shouting match," a source reportedly told the paper. reported that a source told them Ritchie is "doing fine" and relieved the news is public, and is currently back to work on his next film, "Sherlock Holmes." Madonna has reportedly hired Fiona Shackleton and Nicholas Mostyn, the lawyers Sir Paul McCartney hired for his divorce from Heather Mills. When all is said and done, their settlement could be the largest in Britain's history. Related Videos Related Artists |
Shanna Moakler Says She Was Supposed To Be On Jet With Travis Barker, But Had A 'Bad Feeling' Posted: 16 Oct 2008 09:27 AM PDT 'At the last minute, I had this gnarly feeling,' Barker's ex-wife tells Us magazine.
Travis Barker's ex-wife, Shanna Moakler, told US Weekly that she was supposed to be aboard the private jet that crashed in South Carolina on September 19, injuring Barker and DJ AM and killing four others, but she changed her plans at the last minute because she had "a bad feeling." "I was supposed to go with [Travis] to South Carolina, and at the last minute, I had this gnarly feeling and said, 'I don't think we should fly together anymore,' " she told the magazine in its October 17 issue, which hits stands Friday. "God forbid something ever happened ... our kids wouldn't have both parents. Instead of flying a commercial flight back home, they decided to take a private jet. He e-mailed me pictures of the plane and wrote, 'It's really small and scary.' I had a bad feeling, but didn't want to sound strange, so I said, 'Be safe.' " In the interview, Moakler said she received word of the crash when a paramedic called her, and that at first, she thought it was Barker and AM playing a joke on her. "I almost hung up on him. He said, 'No, ma'am, I am very serious.' I was like, 'Oh, my God. What do I do?' and started crying," she said. "I had to sit down with [Barker's assistant] Little Chris [Baker's] wife, Jessica, and break the news about Chris. Someone could have been giving me that news. It was horrible." Moakler told Us that she also had to break the news of the crash to her children — Atiana, 9, from a previous relationship, and Landon, 5, and Alabama, 2, from her marriage to Barker — then "took a lot of Xanax" and boarded a flight with one of Barker's managers to be by her ex's side at the Joseph M. Still Burn Center in Augusta, Georgia. "I flew with one of his managers because I didn't want to be alone," she said. "When I saw him at the hospital, he was all bandaged up but could talk. We both cried and cried. The hardest part is to see someone you love in such pain and not be able to do anything about it." She also described Barker's ongoing treatment at a Los Angeles burn center, and said that his burns have healed to the point where "he might be out in the next two weeks." At the end of the interview, Moakler briefly addresses Barker's comment in a recent MySpace blog that he hasn't seen her since "the week [he] checked in," saying that she was "deeply hurt" by the comment, but that the couple share "a love that will always be there." "Trav and I are so crazy. We are off for one week, on the next," she said. "I haven't thought about the long term. We're just trying to get him well and home. ... I would never abandon anyone in his condition, and I have made sure he had a support system. My feelings are deeply hurt. I wish him a speedy recovery and am thankful he's alive." Related Videos Related Artists |
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